Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The following is a quote of the Rev. Billy Graham:

"Mountaintops are for views and inspiration
 but fruit is grown in the valleys." 

Recall what HabakkuK advised (Hab. 2:1).
HabakkuK's practical Rule 1:
Get inspired on top of high places.

Friday, November 18, 2011


The fans of HabakkuK live their lives in alignment with his advice.
Watch this testimony by a HabakkuK admirer:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

HABAKKUK RULE # 4 - Hold On To Your Faith

HABAKKUK RULE # 4 - Hold on to your faith.

Holding the belief in your purpose is a requirement for its manifestation. 

If you doubt your desired outcome, you stall the mechanism that assembles the components required to complete the manifestation of your objective.

HabakkuK said it: “The just shall live by his faith“.  (Habakkuk 2:4).  

In the original Hebrew language it is said more succinctly – in only three words.

For the universe to help you with your project you have to live in faith in yourself and in your purpose.

St. Paul of Tarsus endorsed this rule of HabakkuK by quoting it twice in his epistles. (Romans 1:17 and Galatians 3:11).  The unknown author of the epistle to the Hebrews (Heb. 10:38), also quoted the same verse from HabakkuK (Hab. 2:4) .

It all comes down to maintaining the continuity of faith. 

Faith is not a one-time act – faith is a way of life.  Within the framework of this way of life - you get to manifest.

Lastly, W. Clement Stone who knew how to manifest said: Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Friday, October 21, 2011

HABAKKUK RULE #3 – You got an appointment

HABAKKUK RULE #3 – You got an appointment.

Your vision will manifest at an appointed time.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time… it will surly come (HabakkuK 2:3). 

HabakkuK’s rules #1 and 2, were simple - no brainers.  HabakkuK’s rules # 3 (and 4 to come next), require deep thought.   

HabakkuK is a philosopher.  He is an early philosopher who wrote between the years 609-598 BCE.  He is the Hebrew-Judaic contemporary of Tales of Miletus, - the first of the pre-Socratic Greek philosophers, who were the teachers of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle - the trailblazers of the western thought and philosophy as we know it.

Here in this verse HabakkuK already tinkered with the relative meaning of time.

Let us read HabakkuK’s full definition of time:
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry wait for it; because it will surly come, it will not tarry.” 

Time is an independent dimension.  Time is a subjective concept. 

For convenience and intellectual laziness we measure time by days or years.  But how about assessing (expressing) time in terms of speed of light? 

Forget it.  It gets too complex. 

Therefore HabakkuK’s Rule # 3 means that given the right time every vision will surly come.  Because, given the sum total circumstances required for manifesting - it has an appointed time.  It is that simple.

Now then, if you want to witness your vision manifested - do something about it.

Get up and at least write it down… 

Next post coming is HabakkuK’s Rule #4. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011



Rule #2 is simple.  So simple. 

HabakkuK must have had a flair for the neuro-sciences.

To get things done, to get the process of creation and manifestation into motion do something deceptively simple.

Write it down.   Yes, write down your big idea. 

Writing things down has magic in it.  How does this magic work?

The big idea that excites you floats in your brain in circuits of neuronal cells connected among themselves by synaptic bonds.  Once you decide to do something - to act - the electric impulse is transmitted to motor nerve cells that are attached to the muscles of your hand.  Now this is a major change.  Involving motor nerve cells creates a new class of neuronal circuits that act like a ripple in a pool and trigger specialized awareness and attention brain center.  (They are located in the reticular activating system).  You start to see the possibilities – the pathways to creation and manifestation.  In fact drawing a mind-mapping diagram may suffice.  Your big idea has grown and reproduced associations with other ideas.  Your objective now occupies your consciousness. 

The associations transform into possibilities.  And the possibilities move in your direction.  Everybody seems to be coming to your assistance.

Here is what HabakkuK told us to do and how to do it:

“And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”  (Habakkuk 2:2).

Write your - ideas - objectives, in a spiral notebook. Or an index card.  Clear and simple.  Use an electronic tablet if you wish.  Draw a mind-map.  Dial a phone number, make a call.  Do something.  
Watch for the possibilities and opportunities coming towards you.

Oh, one little thing - welcome your onrushing opportunities.  Embrace them with open arms. If you say “but”, in your mind, you close the doors to the opportunities.
Keep you arms open.

© 2011 Mandy Lender MD

Saturday, October 15, 2011



I intend in the next few days to outline the four rules-principles, (call it instructions) that HabakkuK gave us to trigger the Law of Attraction into action.  (In between I plan to throw a commercial break for my book).

Here is Rule # 1, or first principle:

Get inspired.

Get inspired.   Ignite in your mind a new and refreshing idea.  By doing that you – reinvent yourself!

HabakkuK has an advice on how to get there.  Go alone on top of a high place – on top of a tower.  On top of a mountain.  Look around you and listen to your inner voice.  I get inspired sitting in a window seat of an airplane and watching how tiny and minor everything seems down there.  There is magic in lofty places!  Try it.

Here is the direct quote from HabakkuK:
“I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me…”
(Hab. 2:1).

You re-invent yourself when you get inspired.  You cannot retreat backward because an idea once conceived takes a life of its own.  An idea keeps thinking upon itself.  The idea replicates itself in endless variations. You cannot cancel ideas you cannot kill ideas. 

(C) 2011 Mandy Lender

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mandy Lender is Inspired by HabakkuK

Welcome to my new BLOG.

This Blog is pure HabakkuK.  And HabakkuK stories and...
Lessons learned from HabakkuK.

This Blog will host blogs by HabakkuK fans.

HabakkuK has been around for 2,700 years but I discovered him just two years ago.  What an embarassment.

Here is how it started for me.
About two years ago I attended a seminar led by the legendary Mark Victor Hansen.  It used to be called a MEGA event for writers.  Took place at the Westin LAX.
There Mark Victor Hansen went on stage, sat on a tall bar stool, closed his eyes and in a dreamy voice told us about HabakkuK's legacy - write it down.  Write it down on tables - tablets - (iPad...).  Write.

I went home opened the Bible to check out Mark's story and surely Mark Victor Hansen is right - again.  At that point I started to dig into HabakkuK - his writings, and writings by others on HabakkuK.  In a short period I discovered that HabakkuK gave a menu of instruction on how to live in alignment with the Law of Attraction.

Right there I had a book in my mind. 
You see, with the Law of Attraction you manifest effortlessly. 
And the book was published shortly thereafter.

You may call this blog - homage to Mark Victor Hansen.