HABAKKUK RULE # 4 - Hold on to your faith.
Holding the belief in your purpose is a requirement for its manifestation.
If you doubt your desired outcome, you stall the mechanism that assembles the components required to complete the manifestation of your objective.
HabakkuK said it: “The just shall live by his faith“. (Habakkuk 2:4).
In the original Hebrew language it is said more succinctly – in only three words.
For the universe to help you with your project you have to live in faith in yourself and in your purpose.
St. Paul of Tarsus endorsed this rule of HabakkuK by quoting it twice in his epistles. (Romans 1:17 and Galatians 3:11). The unknown author of the epistle to the Hebrews (Heb. 10:38), also quoted the same verse from HabakkuK (Hab. 2:4) .
It all comes down to maintaining the continuity of faith.
Faith is not a one-time act – faith is a way of life. Within the framework of this way of life - you get to manifest.
Lastly, W. Clement Stone who knew how to manifest said: Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.